CNC6600 = $CNC6600; } public function apply(Block $block): void { // system('clear'); // print("\n$block\n\n"); foreach ($block->words as $word) { if (method_exists($this, "$word")) { // There's a method dedicated to handling the full word (eg G22) $this->{"$word"}($block); @$block->pop($word->register); } if (method_exists($this, $word->register)) { // There's a method dedicated to handling data for the given register (eg T, S) $this->{$word->register}($block->pop($word->register)); } } foreach ($block->words as $word) { // The word value may be put into the machine registers directly if (property_exists($this->CNC6600->DR, $word->register)) { $this->CNC6600->DR->{$word->register} = $block->pop($word->register); } else { print("WARNING: No method or register for word '{$word}'\n"); } } } protected function E(int $value): void { print("WARNING: Line repetitions are not implemented yet"); } protected function T(int $value): void { // Triggers an exception if not found, good enough for now. // Might implement compensations and more explicit tool registers later on $this->CNC6600->TM->read($value); $this->CNC6600->DR->T = $value; } protected function S(int $value): void { if (!in_array($value, self::SPEEDS)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "Speed not supported: '$value'. Supported are: \n%s\n", implode(', ', self::SPEEDS) )); } $this->CNC6600->DR->S = $value; } protected function G0(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_TRAVERSE = $block->read('G'); } protected function G1(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_TRAVERSE = $block->read('G'); } protected function G2(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_TRAVERSE = $block->read('G'); } protected function G3(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_TRAVERSE = $block->read('G'); } protected function G4(Block $block): void { print("Ignoring dwell setting: {$block->pop('X')}\n"); } protected function G17(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_PLANE_SELECTION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G18(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_PLANE_SELECTION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G19(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_PLANE_SELECTION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G22(Block $block): void { $N = $block->pop('X'); $this->CNC6600->SPMC->loadProgram($N); $this->CNC6600->_AMC = $this->CNC6600->SPMC; } protected function G40(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_RADIUS_COMPENSATION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G41(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_RADIUS_COMPENSATION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G42(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_RADIUS_COMPENSATION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G43(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_RADIUS_COMPENSATION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G44(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_RADIUS_COMPENSATION = $block->read('G'); } protected function G79(Block $block): void { if ($this->CNC6600->DR->B_WORKCYCLE === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('No workcycle prepared!'); } // TODO verify active workcycle, execute it? } protected function G81(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_WORKCYCLE = $block->read('G'); $this->getWorkcycleParameters($block); } protected function G84(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_WORKCYCLE = $block->read('G'); $this->getWorkcycleParameters($block); } protected function G85(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_WORKCYCLE = $block->read('G'); $this->getWorkcycleParameters($block); } protected function G86(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_WORKCYCLE = $block->read('G'); $this->getWorkcycleParameters($block); } private function getWorkcycleParameters(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->X_WORKCYCLE = $block->has('X') ? $block->pop('X') : 0; $this->CNC6600->DR->Y_WORKCYCLE = $block->has('Y') ? $block->pop('Y') : 0; $this->CNC6600->DR->Z_WORKCYCLE = $block->has('Z') ? $block->pop('Z') : 0; $this->CNC6600->DR->B_WORKCYCLE = $block->has('B') ? $block->pop('B') : 0; } protected function G90(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_DIMENSION_PROGRAMMING = $block->read('G'); } protected function G91(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->G_DIMENSION_PROGRAMMING = $block->read('G'); } protected function G92(Block $block): void { // Incremental foreach (['X', 'Y', 'Z'] as $R) { if ($block->has($R)) { $this->CNC6600->DR->{$R} = -$block->pop($R); } } } protected function G93(Block $block): void { // Absolute zero datum shift foreach (['X', 'Y', 'Z'] as $R) { if ($block->has($R)) { $this->CNC6600->DR->{$R} -= $block->pop($R); } } } protected function G98(Block $block): void { // Automatic positioning to reference datum point print("Ignoring automatic positioning to zero datum point\n"); } protected function M0(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_PROGRAM = $block->read('M'); $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = 5; $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = 9; } protected function M2(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_PROGRAM = $block->read('M'); $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = 5; $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = 9; } protected function M3(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = $block->read('M'); } protected function M4(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = $block->read('M'); } protected function M5(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = $block->read('M'); } protected function M6(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = 5; $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = 9; } protected function M8(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = $block->read('M'); } protected function M9(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = $block->read('M'); } protected function M10(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_TABLE_CLAMPING = $block->read('M'); } protected function M11(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_TABLE_CLAMPING = $block->read('M'); } protected function M30(Block $block): void { $this->CNC6600->DR->M_SPINDLE = 5; $this->CNC6600->DR->M_COOLANT = 9; $N = $this->CNC6600->PPMC->N; $this->CNC6600->PPMC->reset(); $this->CNC6600->SPMC->reset(); $this->CNC6600->PPMC->loadProgram($N); $this->CNC6600->_AMC = $this->CNC6600->PPMC; } protected function M67(Block $block): void { $T = $block->pop('T'); $this->CNC6600->TM->read($T); $this->CNC6600->DR->T = $T; } }