# `zmq-fileserver` This is a simple fileserver written in PHP (7.4+) using [ZeroMQ](https://zeromq.org/). There are three executable files: - `$ bin/server` runs the fileserver - `$ bin/command ...` sends a command to the server - `$ bin/query ...` sends a query to the server and returns the response ## Commands - `SAVE ` saves a file - `DELETE ` deletes a file if it exists - `DELETE_ALL ` deletes an entire namespace To save a file to the fileserver you can do: `$ bin/command SAVE my-project-namespace 1.html "..."` `$ bin/command SAVE my-project-namespace 2.xml "$(cat some/xml/file)"` ## Queries - `CONTAINS ` returns `Y` if the file exists in the namespace, else `N` - `LOAD ` returns the file contents if it exists, else `-1` To load a file from the fileserver you can do: `$ bin/query LOAD my-project-namespace 1.html` ## Configuration See `config/config.ini`. It contains an example configuration.