initializeCommandSocket($context, $commandDSNs); $this->initializeQuerySocket($context, $queryDSNs); $this->initializeRootDirectory($rootDirectory); $this->initializePoll(); } private function logf(string $format, ...$args): void { printf("[%s] %s%s", date('H:i:s'), sprintf($format, ...$args), PHP_EOL); } private function initializeRootDirectory(string $rootDirectory): void { $this->rootDirectory = rtrim($rootDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!is_dir($this->rootDirectory)) { mkdir($this->rootDirectory, 0777, true); } if (!is_dir($this->rootDirectory)) { $this->logf('Error: unable to create directory \'%s\'', $this->rootDirectory); die(1); } } private function initializeCommandSocket(ZMQContext $context, array $commandDSNs): void { if (count($commandDSNs) === 0) { $this->logf('Error: need at least one DSN for the command socket'); die(1); } $this->commandSocket = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $this->commandSocket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_HWM, 5); foreach ($commandDSNs as $dsn) { $this->commandSocket->bind($dsn); } } private function initializeQuerySocket(ZMQContext $context, array $queryDSNs): void { if (count($queryDSNs) === 0) { $this->logf('Error: need at least one DSN for the query socket'); die(1); } $this->querySocket = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $this->querySocket->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_HWM, 5); foreach ($queryDSNs as $dsn) { $this->querySocket->bind($dsn); } } private function initializePoll(): void { $this->poll = new ZMQPoll(); $this->poll->add($this->commandSocket, ZMQ::POLL_IN); $this->poll->add($this->querySocket, ZMQ::POLL_IN); } public function run() { $readable = $writable = []; while (true) { $this->poll->poll($readable, $writable); foreach ($readable as $socket) { $socket === $this->querySocket and $this->onQuery(); $socket === $this->commandSocket and $this->onCommand(); } } } private function onQuery(): void { $arguments = $this->querySocket->recvMulti(); $query = array_shift($arguments); switch ($query) { case 'LOAD': if (count($arguments) !== 2) { $this->querySocket->send(-1); $this->onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments($query, 2, count($arguments)); return; } $this->querySocket->send(@file_get_contents("{$this->rootDirectory}/{$arguments[0]}/{$arguments[1]}") ?: -1); break; case 'CONTAINS': if (count($arguments) !== 2) { $this->querySocket->send(-1); $this->onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments($query, 2, count($arguments)); return; } $this->querySocket->send(file_exists("{$this->rootDirectory}/{$arguments[0]}/{$arguments[1]}") ? 'Y' : 'N'); break; default: $this->querySocket->send(-1); $this->onUnknownInput($query, $arguments); break; } } private function onCommand(): void { $arguments = $this->commandSocket->recvMulti(); $command = array_shift($arguments); switch ($command) { case 'SAVE': if (count($arguments) !== 3) { $this->onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments($command, 3, count($arguments)); return; } $this->saveFile($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]); break; case 'DELETE': if (count($arguments) !== 2) { $this->onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments($command, 2, count($arguments)); return; } $this->deleteFile($arguments[0], $arguments[1]); break; case 'DELETE_ALL': if (count($arguments) !== 1) { $this->onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments($command, 1, count($arguments)); return; } $this->deleteAll($arguments[0]); break; default: $this->onUnknownInput($command, $arguments); break; } } private function onUnexpectedAmountOfArguments(string $input, int $expected, int $actual): void { $this->logf('Error: unexpected amount of arguments for input \'%s\' (%d/%d)', $input, $actual, $expected); } private function onUnknownInput(string $input, array $arguments): void { $arguments = array_map(fn($v) => substr($v, 0, 12), $arguments); $this->logf('Error: unknown input \'%s\' with arguments [%s]', $input, implode(', ', $arguments)); } private function saveFile(string &$namespace, string &$name, string &$content): void { is_dir($targetDir = "{$this->rootDirectory}/$namespace") or mkdir($targetDir, 0777, true); file_put_contents("$targetDir/$name", $content); } private function deleteFile(string &$namespace, string &$name): void { @unlink("{$this->rootDirectory}/$namespace/$name"); } private function deleteAll(string &$namespace): void { $directory = "{$this->rootDirectory}/$namespace"; if (!is_dir($directory)) { return; } static $source = '/tmp/zmq.fileserver.rsync_empty_dir.d'; is_dir($source) or @mkdir($source); @system("nohup rsync --archive --recursive --delete {$source}/ {$directory}/ 2>&1 >/dev/null &"); @rmdir($directory); } }